Timeline: Age earning now, from . Retire at . Inherit at . Give away at . Die at
Spending: now, from , from , from
Assets: Property (change by at and by at ), ISAs , Other
DB Pensions: State pension at . Other pensions taken at , lump sum
SIPP: . Contribute now, from , from . Drawdown at , lump sum %
Tax Regime: Standard rate tax % above , higher rate tax % starting at , interest allowance . Dividend tax %, allowance . ISA allowance
Investment strategyInvestment environment
Invest in Spend Dividends %, property %, bond rate %, interest rate %
SIPP% shares, % bonds, % gold, % cash
ISA% shares, % bonds, % gold, % cash
Other% shares, % bonds, % gold, cash
Shares % for years, % for years, then %
Bonds % for years, % for years, then %
Gold % for years, % for years, then %

I assume that before retirement you invest in pensions in preference to ISAs, and afterwards you drain your SIPP quickly (up to HRT threshold) to move money into your ISA. If your run out of ready funds there will be a forced sale of property. (All figures assume inflation removed). © John Bray 2020. I am not a financial advisor and suggest you do not make investment decisions based on this.